Monday, December 12, 2011

MLK Library

I cannot understand for the life of me; why the library is consumed with weird people. First and foremost every section in the library was full; I have never seen the library like this, there were literally no seats. My sorority sisters and I decide to go downstairs to the lower level. As we get downstairs we see an empty table; we proceed to take a seat and study. Now mind you we noticed someone’s belongings there. The students next to us informed us that the items were there for a total of an hour and an half. Two hours after we sat down to study a man comes over to us with an attitude grabs his items call us squatters and walks off. Oh my God all I could do was fall out and laugh. The things you see in the library.
Lexical order
(Linguistics) the arrangement of a set of items in accordance with a recursive algorithm, such as the entries in a dictionary whose order depends on their first letter unless these are the same in which case it is the second which decides, and so on

·         zeitgeist

noun, often capitalized
: the general intellectual, moral, and cultural climate of an era

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